Later picture shows window trim and cornice returns |
For the large banks of windows on the gable ends, he built the trim in a single large frame on the ground, and we hoisted it into place. He forgot the put flashing behind it, so we'll have to find a way to seal the seam between the trim and the siding some other way.
The trim is being put on in the old-fashioned way, the siding butting up against the pre-placed trim, rather than the trim being applied last to the top outside of the siding. We have had many conversations over the past year or so about which way to do the trim, but decided definitely in favor of this method after reading up on it in "Audel's Carpenters and Builders Guide," published 1923. The book said that trim on top of siding leaves openings behind the trim to trap water and guide it behind the siding and into the frame unless flat siding is being used, while butting the siding to the trim leaves no spaces to trap water if flashing is used behind the trim. Since we are using 10" colonial-style lapped siding, we decided to butt it.
I learned how to work the tractor and mowed a large part of the "yard." It's hard to decide what constitutes a yard on so large of a property.
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